Raymond Pauls is a true symbol of elegance, which does not change its tastes: one love for life, in clothes - only a tail coat and black and white color,…

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Alexey Rybnikov: “We will see revival in music”
The head of the Union of Composers of Russia, Alexei Rybnikov, told the portal Kultura.RF, what distinguishes the work of a musician in film and theater, how they will support…


They were the first to play jazz.
The jazz was presented to the music world by a meeting of two cultures - European and African. At the international wave in the early 20s of the twentieth century,…

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This composer created with the hope that his works will help people to become at least a little happier and serve them as a source of vigor and inspiration. With…

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he was tormented by seizures


It took almost two centuries for humanity to learn, understand and appreciate the music of the great Antonio Vivaldi again, because soon after his death he was unfairly forgotten. In the XIX century, he was mentioned only as a person whose notes were copied by Johann Sebastian Bach. And only at the beginning of the 20th century a miracle happened – many of his works were found, and Vivaldi’s music swept the world, touching the souls of people and becoming the basis of the repertoire of famous orchestras. Continue reading

Russian opera singers who conquered the world
Vienna Opera and London Covent Garden, Mariinsky Theater and the Metropolitan Opera in New York. We recall opera singers from Russia, who have become world famous for their sopranos. Galina…


Yuri Bashmet. “The violist is a violinist with a dark past”
Yuri Bashmet is a world-famous artist, an outstanding violist, conductor and teacher. "Kultura.RF" asked him about music lessons, motivation, favorite songs and the intricacies of the profession of a musician.…
