Great music should be available to a large audience - under this motto the great composer of the second half of the 20th century and modernity Rodion Shchedrin creates. None…

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Igor Butman: “Jazz can be compared only with jazz”
Igor Butman told the Kultura.RF portal about what kind of music he was listening to, what “Russian jazz” is and what foreign musicians can learn from us. - Igor Mikhailovich,…


They were the first to play jazz.
The jazz was presented to the music world by a meeting of two cultures - European and African. At the international wave in the early 20s of the twentieth century,…

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It is said that his poetry carries music, and therefore the compositions are obtained which are called songs by Ilya Reznik, and not just music based on his poems. Ilya…

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another symphony

Great symphonies of Russian composers

In the world of music, there are one-of-a-kind, landmark works, the sounds of which spell the chronicle of musical life. Some of these compositions represent a revolutionary breakthrough in art, others have a complex and deep concept, others strike with an extraordinary story of creation, others are a kind of presentation of the composer’s style, and the fifth … are so beautiful in music that it is impossible not to mention them. To the credit of musical art, there are a lot of such works, and as an example we will talk about five selected Russian symphonies, the uniqueness of which is difficult to overestimate. Continue reading

The Unsurpassed King of Waltz Johann Straus
Dance melodies, which were called foot music, were condescending in any era. Operas, oratorios and symphonies were always considered noble genres, while all kinds of quadrille, waltzes and polkas were…


Even those who are far from the world of music have probably heard at least once about the outstanding composer Andrew Lloyd-Webber and his immortal creations - the musicals The…
