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The name of Nikolai Dobronravov is inextricably linked with the name of his muse, wife and faithful companion of Alexandra Pakhmutova. They can not be separated from each other – neither in life nor in creativity. However, in order to merge together, two people needed to become real personalities, symbolic figures in art. No one doubts for a second the high poetic talent and uniqueness of Nikolai Dobronravov’s personality.

Poet and nothing else
Nikolai Nikolayevich doesn’t need unnecessary performances, his name is known to almost everyone, and this is primarily due to his songs, written in collaboration with the great Alexandra Pakhmutova. But unforgivably little we know about him, as a man who gave such piercing poems to the world, illuminated the creative horizon with his talent and managed to penetrate the souls of millions of people, sowing grains of goodness, courage, respect, honor, love and devotion.

When Nikolai Dobronravov is called a songwriter, he does not welcome it. Such phrases are answered by Robert Rozhdestvensky’s quote that the poet is either a poet or not. Nikolai Nikolayevich is not at all nepoet Nikolai Dobronravov opposed to talk about his merits in songwriting, but always reminds that he has a lot of poetic collections, which are also often reprinted.

He admits that now less and less songs sound on his poems, because the concept of “unformat” is firmly rooted. In our time, the format has become the service, not the ministry of music to the people. But Nikolai Dobronravov believes that his best works are still ahead and will surely be heard.

Young amateur Griboedov
By the way, the life of Nikolai Nikolayevich was not filled with poetry alone. Before the creative novel with the song, he was professionally engaged in acting, but first things first.

Nikolai Nikolayevich was born in the cultural capital of the Soviet Union, Leningrad, on November 22, 1928. The grandmother was engaged in introducing the boy to the beautiful, who took him to performances. And once led to a psychiatrist. The fact is that thanks to the school teacher, young Nikolai loved literature so much that he memorized “Woe from Wit” and could continuously recite Griboedov’s immortal work. The grandmother decided that not everything was all right with his grandson, the poet Nikolai Dobronravovi took him to the hospital. The psychiatrist talked with the boy, examined him and, without identifying any abnormalities at all, sent him home with his grandmother.

Nikolai Nikolayevich literally met the war in the theater. In the morning, he and his grandmother went to the rehearsal of the opera Richard Wagner “Lohengrin”, where the outstanding Ivan Kozlovsky was supposed to perform. But the message about the beginning of the war was sounded and the performance was canceled. A few days later, young Nicholas was sent to the capital, later to the city of Gorky, and from the evacuation the family returned to the village of Malakhovka near Moscow.

Pupils’ speeches in hospitals, where wounded soldiers were brought from the front, crashed into Nikolai’s childhood memory. The guys read poems, sang and listened to the stories of the soldiers. Even then, Nicholas was drawn to poetry and theater. In order to attend the play, schoolchildren earned money for a ticket with chores — they would get some firewood, then they would bring water, then they would help the fellow villagers. So for the pennies and collected the required amount for a trip to Moscow.

Creative division of Nikolai Dobronravov
After school, finished with a gold medal, Nicholas faced a difficult dilemma: to devote his life to creating literature or to teach it in school. After much hesitation, the choice was made in favor of the third – the Moscow Art Theater School. So he received a professional acting education, and then continued his studies at the Pedagogical Institute.

Nikolai Dobronravov played in two films – “Sports Honor” and “The Return of Vasily Bortnikov.” Together with Sergey Grebennikov, his theatrical colleague, Nikolai Nikolayevich wrote several plays, on which performances were staged, the opera “Ivan Shadrin” and novels for young readers.

Children’s direction in the work played a decisive role in the personal life of the actor, poet and teacher Dobronravov. He was invited to voice radio programs for children and plays, read poetry, and once was asked to write a thematic song on the eve of the summer holidays. Thus, a new children’s song and a new family were born. The music for it was composed by Alexander Pakhmutova, who by that time was already a famous composer in the USSR. The joint work brought the young people so close together that after three months they had a wedding. Since then, it was almost impossible to hear about the poet and the composer separately. Their family union became a model of love, loyalty, tenderness and care for each other.
Hope is my earth compass
Dobronravov decided to leave the theater and devote his life to literature. Alexandra Nikolaevna inspired Nikolai Nikolayevich to poems that became the standard of poetry. He admits that at the beginning of the creative poet Nikolai Dobronravovputi did not even think that he would become a famous poet.


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