The name of Nikolai Dobronravov is inextricably linked with the name of his muse, wife and faithful companion of Alexandra Pakhmutova. They can not be separated from each other -…

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Igor Butman: “Jazz can be compared only with jazz”
Igor Butman told the Kultura.RF portal about what kind of music he was listening to, what “Russian jazz” is and what foreign musicians can learn from us. - Igor Mikhailovich,…


How to listen to Stravinsky
In 2017, the world music community celebrates 135 years since the birth of Russian composer Igor Stravinsky. He became one of the greatest musicians of the twentieth century and one…

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We listen and understand the symphony
What is the difference between classical, academic, symphonic and philharmonic music? Can a string quartet be considered an orchestra, and can such a “orchestra” then be called a violin? Answers…

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songs performed by Russian rock musicians

Perepetye songs Vysotsky

Songs of Vladimir Vysotsky can not be written off in the archive, although decades have passed since their appearance. For the first time, they were sung so shrillly that not everybody would decide to perform from the stage. But these are songs that I want to sing. At the campfire, in the company of friends, and yet submit your version to the judgment of the audience – because the soul asks or as a tribute to the memory of the author. Who took up the performance of their favorite songs, we recall with Natalia Letnikova. Continue reading

This composer created with the hope that his works will help people to become at least a little happier and serve them as a source of vigor and inspiration. With…


Vladimir Spivakov: "In music there is everything that is in space"
The chief conductor and artistic director of the State Chamber Orchestra "Moscow Virtuosos", the National Philharmonic Orchestra of Russia Vladimir Spivakov told Kultura.RF portal about how to succeed the beginner…
