The Unsurpassed King of Waltz Johann Straus
Dance melodies, which were called foot music, were condescending in any era. Operas, oratorios and symphonies were always considered noble genres, while all kinds of quadrille, waltzes and polkas were…

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Igor Butman: “Jazz can be compared only with jazz”
Igor Butman told the Kultura.RF portal about what kind of music he was listening to, what “Russian jazz” is and what foreign musicians can learn from us. - Igor Mikhailovich,…


Bulat Okudzhava - Poet-symbol
Many legends are associated with the name of Bulat Okudzhava. No wonder, because such personalities appear in the poetic and musical world infrequently and deservedly become legendary. His poems were…

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Russian opera singers who conquered the world
Vienna Opera and London Covent Garden, Mariinsky Theater and the Metropolitan Opera in New York. We recall opera singers from Russia, who have become world famous for their sopranos. Galina…

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examination committee there were

It is said that his poetry carries music, and therefore the compositions are obtained which are called songs by Ilya Reznik, and not just music based on his poems. Ilya…


Vladimir Spivakov: "In music there is everything that is in space"
The chief conductor and artistic director of the State Chamber Orchestra "Moscow Virtuosos", the National Philharmonic Orchestra of Russia Vladimir Spivakov told Kultura.RF portal about how to succeed the beginner…
