Bulat Okudzhava - Poet-symbol
Many legends are associated with the name of Bulat Okudzhava. No wonder, because such personalities appear in the poetic and musical world infrequently and deservedly become legendary. His poems were…

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Мастер бруса
Raymond Pauls is a true symbol of elegance, which does not change its tastes: one love for life, in clothes - only a tail coat and black and white color,…


They were the first to play jazz.
The jazz was presented to the music world by a meeting of two cultures - European and African. At the international wave in the early 20s of the twentieth century,…

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Yuri Saulsky's unique composer style is recognizable from the first chords, and his songs helped to light more than one pop star of the Soviet period. The special path of…

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although her father insisted

The stars of our age: women musicians

Veronika Dudarova, Sofia Gubaidulina, Elena Obraztsova – names known not only in Russia, but also abroad. We remember the great women musicians of the twentieth century.

Veronika Dudarova was born in Baku in 1916. In 1938 she graduated from the piano department of the music school at the Leningrad Conservatory and made an unusual decision for that time – to become a conductor. In the USSR, then there were still no women who decided to go to the symphony orchestra. Veronika Dudarova became a student of two masters – Leo Ginzburg and Nikolai Anosov. Continue reading

Where in Russia to listen to the body
The sound recording company “Melody” presented a new album of organ music - the collected works of Johann Sebastian Bach. The publication includes three important areas of creativity of the…


Yuri Bashmet. “The violist is a violinist with a dark past”
Yuri Bashmet is a world-famous artist, an outstanding violist, conductor and teacher. "Kultura.RF" asked him about music lessons, motivation, favorite songs and the intricacies of the profession of a musician.…
