Yevgeny Yevtushenko - a poet with a capital letter, and even much more than a Russian poet. This single word has absorbed all the facets of his work - from…

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We listen and understand the symphony
What is the difference between classical, academic, symphonic and philharmonic music? Can a string quartet be considered an orchestra, and can such a “orchestra” then be called a violin? Answers…


Mikhail Glinka entered the history of world music as the founder of the Russian national opera. His composer's talent was not always approved, sometimes criticized and ridiculed, but the composer…

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Vladimir Yurovsky: “Actual music is the one that is written today”
Especially for Kultura.RF, the initiator of the festival, artistic director of the Svetlanov State Academic Symphony Orchestra of Russia Vladimir Yurovsky told Viktoria Ivanova about the differences between current and…

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and Glinka immediately left for home

Yuri Bashmet. “The violist is a violinist with a dark past”
Yuri Bashmet is a world-famous artist, an outstanding violist, conductor and teacher. "Kultura.RF" asked him about music lessons, motivation, favorite songs and the intricacies of the profession of a musician.…


Russian opera singers who conquered the world
Vienna Opera and London Covent Garden, Mariinsky Theater and the Metropolitan Opera in New York. We recall opera singers from Russia, who have become world famous for their sopranos. Galina…
