Bulat Okudzhava - Poet-symbol
Many legends are associated with the name of Bulat Okudzhava. No wonder, because such personalities appear in the poetic and musical world infrequently and deservedly become legendary. His poems were…

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Prince has released hundreds of musical compositions and almost forty studio albums, 100 million copies of his records have been sold in the world. All this gave him a certain…


Vladimir Yurovsky: “Actual music is the one that is written today”
Especially for Kultura.RF, the initiator of the festival, artistic director of the Svetlanov State Academic Symphony Orchestra of Russia Vladimir Yurovsky told Viktoria Ivanova about the differences between current and…

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The stars of our age: women musicians
Veronika Dudarova, Sofia Gubaidulina, Elena Obraztsova - names known not only in Russia, but also abroad. We remember the great women musicians of the twentieth century. Veronika Dudarova was born…

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Yuri Entin is not just a poet with a capital letter, he is an adorable poet of the most demanding viewers and listeners – children. Entin gave them a lot of film and multi-heroes, because it was with his words that they spoke and started singing from the TV screens. He revived the Troubadour, the Princess and the Bremen musicians, wrote many songs that sound in “Guest from the Future”, “The Adventures of Buratino”, “The Adventures of Electronics” and other popular films. His talent truly knows no bounds. This year, Yuri Entin is 80 years old. Continue reading


Yevgeny Yevtushenko – a poet with a capital letter, and even much more than a Russian poet. This single word has absorbed all the facets of his work – from the writer to the director and songwriter. Sometimes it seems that even a multivolume edition will not be able to cover his creative biography, because his life is so rich. Even at a respectable age, he was vigorous and active, he continued to create and teach, repeating that writing poetry and life itself are equivalent concepts for him. Continue reading

Bulat Okudzhava – Poet-symbol

Many legends are associated with the name of Bulat Okudzhava. No wonder, because such personalities appear in the poetic and musical world infrequently and deservedly become legendary.

His poems were disassembled for quotations, the songs became iconic and symbolic for the era of the sixties, and Bulat Shalvovich himself was the brightest representative of his generation. Continue reading

The composer of the century called Alexander Pakhmutova Lev Leschenko. We think that not only people of the Soviet generation will agree with this, but also those who over the…


Vladimir Spivakov: "In music there is everything that is in space"
The chief conductor and artistic director of the State Chamber Orchestra "Moscow Virtuosos", the National Philharmonic Orchestra of Russia Vladimir Spivakov told Kultura.RF portal about how to succeed the beginner…
