Bulat Okudzhava - Poet-symbol
Many legends are associated with the name of Bulat Okudzhava. No wonder, because such personalities appear in the poetic and musical world infrequently and deservedly become legendary. His poems were…

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The composer of the century called Alexander Pakhmutova Lev Leschenko. We think that not only people of the Soviet generation will agree with this, but also those who over the…


Prince has released hundreds of musical compositions and almost forty studio albums, 100 million copies of his records have been sold in the world. All this gave him a certain…

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Vladimir Yurovsky: “Actual music is the one that is written today”
Especially for Kultura.RF, the initiator of the festival, artistic director of the Svetlanov State Academic Symphony Orchestra of Russia Vladimir Yurovsky told Viktoria Ivanova about the differences between current and…

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student in a theatrical institution


It is said that his poetry carries music, and therefore the compositions are obtained which are called songs by Ilya Reznik, and not just music based on his poems. Ilya Rakhmilevich himself believes that the people really know and love the poet only when he has popular songs. And with this, Resnick has no problems, because not only many composers made their careers thanks to his poetry, but most of the venerable performers composed their repertoire based on Resnick’s songs. Continue reading

Alexey Rybnikov: “We will see revival in music”
The head of the Union of Composers of Russia, Alexei Rybnikov, told the portal Kultura.RF, what distinguishes the work of a musician in film and theater, how they will support…


Great symphonies of Russian composers
In the world of music, there are one-of-a-kind, landmark works, the sounds of which spell the chronicle of musical life. Some of these compositions represent a revolutionary breakthrough in art,…
