The Bach family name and the word “musician” were synonymous in Germany for several centuries, because this ancient genus gave the world 56 musicians, but only in the fifth generation…

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Идеи бизнеса и готовые планы
“Lady Jazz, adorned with intriguing rhythms, was walking dancing across the whole world. But nowhere did she meet a knight who would introduce her as a respected guest to the…


They were the first to play jazz.
The jazz was presented to the music world by a meeting of two cultures - European and African. At the international wave in the early 20s of the twentieth century,…

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This composer composed various spiritual works, but did not admit to anyone that he dreamed of an operetta. Then he nevertheless created 80 operettas, although he had already dreamed of…

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a critical article


One of the most prominent personalities of the musical history of Niccolò Paganini, despite his rather demonic appearance, has never lacked fans. He was not even 20 when a rich and distinguished mistress appeared, taking the young virtuoso to the “rest” estate after the concerts. Up to 40 years old, he selected women for himself according to three criteria: large breasts, slender waists and long legs … It is thanks to these women that there is a great musical heritage.

The Joys of Freedom by Niccolò Paganini
In all the capitals of Europe at the beginning of the 19th century, portraits of a strange man appeared. A pale, wax-like face, tangled black hair, a big hooked nose, eyes burning like embers and a huge scarf wrapping the entire upper half of the body. When looking at the portrait, people whispered: “It looks like a devil.” This was the maestro Paganini – the composer and violinist, who had no equal, is not and hardly will be. Journalists blamed the musician for all mortal sins, added fuel to the fire and the church. A train of awkward “revelations” accompanied Niccolò across Europe. Well, the maestro was more interested in his own work. Continue reading

The Unsurpassed King of Waltz Johann Straus
Dance melodies, which were called foot music, were condescending in any era. Operas, oratorios and symphonies were always considered noble genres, while all kinds of quadrille, waltzes and polkas were…


“The most difficult thing is to earn the trust of musicians”
Peter Gladysh - What qualities should a conductor have? - As a cellist, I worked in different orchestras with many conductors of different levels, different ages and nationalities. But there…
