This composer created with the hope that his works will help people to become at least a little happier and serve them as a source of vigor and inspiration. With…

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Основы и тонкости макияжа
It is said that his poetry carries music, and therefore the compositions are obtained which are called songs by Ilya Reznik, and not just music based on his poems. Ilya…


Bulat Okudzhava - Poet-symbol
Many legends are associated with the name of Bulat Okudzhava. No wonder, because such personalities appear in the poetic and musical world infrequently and deservedly become legendary. His poems were…

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Pioneers of Russian chanson
In the Russian music industry of the 1990s, the concept of “Russian chanson” was a substitute for the inconvenient term “blatant song”. But in the first half of the 20th…

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anti-reflective surface


One of the most prominent personalities of the musical history of Niccolò Paganini, despite his rather demonic appearance, has never lacked fans. He was not even 20 when a rich and distinguished mistress appeared, taking the young virtuoso to the “rest” estate after the concerts. Up to 40 years old, he selected women for himself according to three criteria: large breasts, slender waists and long legs … It is thanks to these women that there is a great musical heritage.

The Joys of Freedom by Niccolò Paganini
In all the capitals of Europe at the beginning of the 19th century, portraits of a strange man appeared. A pale, wax-like face, tangled black hair, a big hooked nose, eyes burning like embers and a huge scarf wrapping the entire upper half of the body. When looking at the portrait, people whispered: “It looks like a devil.” This was the maestro Paganini – the composer and violinist, who had no equal, is not and hardly will be. Journalists blamed the musician for all mortal sins, added fuel to the fire and the church. A train of awkward “revelations” accompanied Niccolò across Europe. Well, the maestro was more interested in his own work. Continue reading

This composer composed various spiritual works, but did not admit to anyone that he dreamed of an operetta. Then he nevertheless created 80 operettas, although he had already dreamed of…


Fate gave Oleg Anofriev many different roles. He brilliantly made the seemingly unbelievable - in one film he created more than ten brilliant images. He had what set him apart…
