Igor Butman: “Jazz can be compared only with jazz”
Igor Butman told the Kultura.RF portal about what kind of music he was listening to, what “Russian jazz” is and what foreign musicians can learn from us. - Igor Mikhailovich,…

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Great symphonies of Russian composers
In the world of music, there are one-of-a-kind, landmark works, the sounds of which spell the chronicle of musical life. Some of these compositions represent a revolutionary breakthrough in art,…


Even those who are far from the world of music have probably heard at least once about the outstanding composer Andrew Lloyd-Webber and his immortal creations - the musicals The…

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He knew how to sincerely enjoy life and most importantly - to share this feeling with other people, easily arranged holidays on weekdays and convened anyone who was not averse…

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assemble jazz bands for his performance

They were the first to play jazz.

The jazz was presented to the music world by a meeting of two cultures – European and African. At the international wave in the early 20s of the twentieth century, the musical direction broke into the Land of the Soviets. We recall the performers who were the first to play jazz in the USSR.

“The first eccentric orchestra of the jazz band Valentina Parnakh in the RSFSR” debuted on stage in October 1922. It was not just a premiere, but a premiere of a new musical direction. Revolutionary for the music of the time, the team gathered a poet, musician and choreographer who lived in Europe for six years. Continue reading

A little more than a hundred years ago, the famous poet said that if stars are lit, it means that someone needs it. Interpreting Vladimir Mayakovsky, it is safe to…


Yuri Bashmet. “The violist is a violinist with a dark past”
Yuri Bashmet is a world-famous artist, an outstanding violist, conductor and teacher. "Kultura.RF" asked him about music lessons, motivation, favorite songs and the intricacies of the profession of a musician.…
